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You Can Effectively Promote Your Business on a Small Budget

Bo Manry

When times are tight or you are a startup, one of the first things that we tend to want to do is stop our marketing when money gets tight. But that should be one of the final actions you would want to do. 

Instead, look for ways that you can promote your business on a smaller budget. Sit down and figure out how much you can spend a month and then check out these ideas you can use for your business promotion

How You Can Effectively Promote Your Business on a Small Budget

1. Utilize your social media every day. Start with your Facebook page but also use LinkedIn (depending on your target market) and perhaps Instagram. Run a few low-cost ads. Make sure you are speaking to your target market and share things of interest, not just selling your services. 

2. Find a networking group and participate as much as possible. Get to know your local businesses. Refer each other for solid sales opportunities.

3. Cross market with other local businesses. You can work that using flyers, bundle promotions, social media, cross-linking on websites etc.

4. Ask for customer referrals. Most people do not offer them spontaneously but will be happy to refer you if they are pleased with your performance or products. 

5. Add testimonials to your website. People buy from people they know and respect and a testimonial from a past customer can help cement a sale. 

6. Think about offering items for review purposes. If you have a physical product, adding reviews of that product is important in the marketplace today. It only costs you the free product and shipping fee, but you get the review published on websites, blogs or social media.  

7. Get a website and/or blog. If you don't have a website or blog attached to your website, adding these is extremely low cost addition to your business that allows you to market easily. Adding custom content on a regular basis helps drive traffic to that website. From there you can craft a sales pitch and increase sales.

8. Work your community events as much as possible. Meeting other business people and interacting with potential customers is a great tool. Make sure to offer something of value (see number 9) and use a signup sheet for future email marketing purposes, if possible. 

9. Use unique promotional materials that you can make at home or buy inexpensively and pass them out whenever you meet someone. Ask family members to help promote your business too. 

10. Use your email marketing list on a regular basis. Reach out to those people you have done business with already or has offered you their email for marketing purposes. A new customer is expensive to reach but a current or past customer already knows how you work and just needs to be reminded that you are there and available. 

11. Write articles for publication in trade magazines or expert blogs and websites. This will allow for a byline can bring you traffic and potential business. 

12. Think about offering a free class or seminar on a topic in your expertise. It's a great way to establish authority and get people in the door, if you have a brick-and-mortar store. Look at your local Chamber or community college for opportunities. 

These 12 tips are strong and effective methods that can really help boost your visibility and yet keep your monetary output close to zero. Whatever you do, don’t give up! You easily can promote your business on a small budget with time and effort.
