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Treat Your SEO as an Ongoing Project

Bo Manry

If you are lucky enough to start a new blog or website today, then knowing the basics of SEO is going to help you immensely. If you have an old blog and website that you are working on in terms of updating for SEO, then you know how much work that is for you to improve post by post, page by page.

The thing is that regardless of which is your situation, reality is you have to continue to treat your SEO maintenance as an ongoing project. Here are some thoughts on that topic.

Know that the web is always changing. There are some things that need to be addressed on a consistent and regular basis.

Utilize fresh keywords and phrases in your copy

Continue to research and update your keywords on a regular basis. Use them in your copy for pages and posts

Manage your site on an ongoing basis

Take a look at your site design and make sure it is updated regularly to accepted seo protocol and mobile usage. Use the latest in tools, such as plugins and templates that can assist in your seo project.

Manage your site in terms of technology

Is your site mobile friendly? With more and more users headed in that direction, make sure that yours is where it needs to be.

Pay attention to strong links

Internal and external linking is still important as well as your hierarchy of information, such as using breadcrumbs and deep linking.

Search engines always change

Be flexible and open to going with the flow of what is hot today. What are people searching for? Video search, image search, local search - especially on mobile, product and shopping search, books and reviews, and news are current top searches and should be addressed in your content and sharing protocol.

Pay attention to keyword search coming in to your site

Install and use Google Analytics help to spot trends and strong keywords for you to capitalize on in your copy. This free tool is a powerhouse in terms of seo usage and knowing what you customer is looking for.

Acceptable SEO procedures may change in the future, but the basics will not. If you continue to work on your site and treat your SEO as an ongoing project, soon it will be second hat and you will always be on track.
