Social media can really suck you into its grasps. The ease of sharing parts of your life and business can overwhelm you easily and become a major part of your day. Not to mention the fact that your followers can see pretty much everything you are doing. That may not always be a good thing.
We have talked a lot about using social media in your business promotion and being somewhat transparent about your life so your followers can get to know a bit about you. But understand there is a fine line between what you should be sharing and what you should stay away from on social media.
It is best to keep personal and business pages separate so that your followers are going to be seeing the type of post that they're interested in seeing.
If someone is a personal friend, they want to be following you and your family on your personal page. If they are not interested in your business, using a business page is a great way to make sure that things are separated. Most people that follow personal pages are not looking for business related topics.
On the other hand, those that are interested in the business aspect are going to enjoy seeing those posts about business and not about your ugly sweater contest. Oh, unless the ugly sweater contest was at work and it's a part of your employee engagement activities, which would be a fun thing to share!
With all of that said, here's some type of content that you probably should think twice about sharing on your social media channels while using it as your business page.
Have fun and enjoy yourself but keep it temperate and moderate so that you are not having to defend your values and beliefs on your business page. Remember to think about outward ramifications when posting as your business and remember - How much of your life should you really share?