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SEO for Small Business Development

Bo Manry

As a small business owner it can be tough to be patient as you work towards your business growth and improvement. But every day is a new day and every day you can make progress towards that growth and overall success. One of the things you can do is focus on your website by making sure that your content is fresh. If you have not added any seo to your site yet, then today is the day you start your search engine optimization and make a promise to work on it every day.  Here's some thoughts on SEO for your small business development that you need to keep in mind as you continue to work on your site for your business success.

To start with, understand that your results are not instant cures nor will you see instant changes. SEO is not magic, but it is effective. Follow some of the seo tips I have posted before and target those changes for long term results

  1. Figure out what your competition is doing and work towards finding similar results with similar keywords. Then look at number 2.  
  2. Remember that what worked for someone else may not work for your website. Everything about your business is different even if the product is the same. Your focus is different than others so just be open-minded and keep working towards your SEO development.  
  3. Realize that your website is never complete. You always need to be adding, changing, updating, and improving your site.
  4. Make sure that your content is engaging, fresh, posted on a consistent basis, and that you are writing for your reader not for the search engines. 
  5. Take the time to write and use the meta-description for every page that you created. That's your way of convincing people to click on your site instead of other similar pages. It is your unique voice and another place to add your keywords and phrases too.
  6. The keyword tool is a great way to research and find keywords that will work best for your site. Take the time to do your research instead of just grabbing anything that comes to your head.
  7. Optimize your social media page and make sure that you're using it on a regular basis. A great place to add important keyword for your business.
  8. When you're adding content updates to your social media make sure you're using keywords there as well. Social Media is tied to your ranking and is very important for building traffic and interest.
  9.  Google+ is still very important especially for local businesses. Make sure you're using this site on a daily basis and you post your content there too.

These top thoughts on SEO will help your small business get off the ground. Make yourself a pact to work on your site daily and soon you will see the results you want,

Make sure to check out the rest of my articles on seo and small business development for more assistance, ideas and tips!
