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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Using SEO

Bo Manry

There is a lot to learn about proper seo techniques that we will be working though here on this blog. However, there are some mistakes that you want to make sure to avoid too so that you do not negate a lot your progress.

Let’s take a look at 5 mistakes that you need to avoid when working on your SEO.

  •        Stay away from unnatural sentence structure for your title tags. While you may want to focus on a special keyword or incorporate city information, you can do that by using a natural structure of words that makes sense without spamming the keywords over and over. Think about searchable terms in natural sentences.
  • Using the wrong or a weak keyword as your link. For instance, if you are writing about USB drives, make sure to check the most used keyword. Perhaps Thumb Drive or Flash Drive is more widely used. Do your research and choose the best one that your customers search for the most
  • Not using Long Tail Keywords for more focused traffic. While it might be easy to use a short keyword quickly, searching for the right long tail keyword is going to bring that laser targeted traffic you need. Focused traffic can bring you higher conversions than just generalized inbound folks looking around.
  • Not publishing content on regular basis. When you publish content on a consistent basis, the search engines recognize that. They begin to come to your site expecting new content on a regular basis and that will improve your rankings. When you publish on an irregular schedule, your spider searches will be irregular as well.
  • Forgetting to include a Sitemap on your site. Installing a sitemap will tell the search engines the content, pages, categories and help determine the path through your site so you know they are crawling all pages. It is important for use in Google Analytics too.

These 5 mistakes are often used without knowledge but definitely something to make sure you are doing properly for the best results on your site. SEO is a work in progress and utilizing tips like these will help improve your site in the long run.
