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10 Tips for a Well Optimized Site

Bo Manry

When it comes to optimizing your website, it can be overwhelming to think about all of the changes you can do to make it run properly with the best results possible, let alone implement all of the recommendations too. It is easy to see why some site owners forgo it and just keep on doing what they have always done.

However hiding your head in the sand is not the best course of action in most cases for a well optimized site so here are some quick tips to look at for changes you can look at for better results in the long run.

Keyword research – Take the time to do your research on the best keywords for your topic and site. Compile lists for use as you update your site.  When doing your research, also include long tail keywords that are much more descriptive than one or two word keywords.

Use keywords naturally – Always use your keywords in a natural sentence. If it doesn’t flow properly, restructure the wording so that it does. The search engines do recognize like wording and tenses.

Proper placement of keywords in titles, images, content, meta descriptions, anchor text and links are important for total utilization of the word, your content, and the search engine.

Internal linking- Offer your reader other suggestions for similar topics as they are reading by linking to other internal content. This invites them to stay on your site longer and provides deep links that offer value to the search engines and your reader.

Clean URLs with keywords – Keep your url’s clean of extraneous words and make sure that the main key word is included in the url.

Header tags in the body – Offer your reader a clean easy to read copy by adding subheadings with header tags. This breaks up long copy and offers the reader the ability to scan for the information they want.

Longer, engaging content – Short and sweet posts have their place but sometimes long copy is required to get the point across, fully developed. It is more engaging and the search engines will find plenty of value.

Consistent content publishing – Make sure to publish on a consistent and regular basis. Not only do your readers expect it and want it, it tells the SE’s that you are offering consistent publications that attract the spiders and bots for quicker updates on the SERPs.

Utilize site design and tools – Today most templates and sites offer built in SEO features that help your optimization like mobile choices, site maps, and more. There are also plenty of tools such as wordpress plug in’s that will save you a lot of manual work.

Site Speed – Make sure to check your site speed now and them. You want a responsive site that will not slow your readers down. Too many addon’s, ads, plug-ins, huge images and such can slow your site. Readers get frustrated and leave which adds to your bounce rate. Plus the SE’s see that too and it can become a part of your placement in the SERP’s.

You may need to start small like with these 10 tips, but start making the changes you need to your site for the best result in site optimization.
